
Women´s Circles,

Ceremonies of change of Seasons and Sweatlodge.

Welcome to this space Sisters.

Retreats for women, Cacao ceremonies, Sauna ceremonies, Sweatlodges, Women’s circles, Equinox and Solstices ceremonies.


Women had been gathering since ancient times, and there is a lot of wisdom behind this gatherings.

The main focus of my work with women, it is to cocreate and grow together, expanding the wisdom behind all the spirituality and physiology of women, through traditional and native ways.

The circles and ceremonies vary according to the important astrological moments, being the most common the full moon, new moon, equinox and solstice times and those will depend of the sesson in which we are, being indoors during winter and outdoors during summer.

All of them in a beautiful, intimate and sacred space through a traditional and native ways.
Usually we create together the altar, the space, we drink ceremonial cacao, sing medicine songs, meditate, play the drumms, pray for the sacred waters, we share our heart and depending of every circle we flow with that energies.

In every full moon normally we have a purification sauna and we smoke the obsidian Pipe wich is a sacred tool of prayer and connection. This was a gift from the grandmother Malinalli in México gived to me during the Moon Dance 7years ago and since then, every full moon its working and in pray for what is in need, connecting us with the unity, compassion and love (If you don’t smoke, its ok, you can participate also in the ceremony).


Women´s Circles, Ceremonies of change of Seasons

Welcome to this space Sisters.

Retreats for women, Cacao ceremonies, Sauna ceremonies, Sweatlodges, Women’s circles, Equinox and Solstices ceremonies.


Women had been gathering since ancient times, and there is a lot of wisdom behind this gatherings.

The main focus of my work with women, it is to cocreate and grow together, expanding the wisdom behind all the spirituality and physiology of women, through traditional and native ways.

The circles and ceremonies vary according to the important astrological moments, being the most common the full moon, new moon, equinox and solstice times and those will depend of the sesson in which we are, being indoors during winter and outdoors during summer.

All of them in a beautiful, intimate and sacred space through a traditional and native ways.
Usually we create together the altar, the space, we drink ceremonial cacao, sing medicine songs, meditate, play the drumms, pray for the sacred waters, we share our heart and depending of every circle we flow with that energies.

In every full moon normally we have a purification sauna and we smoke the obsidian Pipe wich is a sacred tool of prayer and connection. This was a gift from the grandmother Malinalli in México gived to me during the Moon Dance 7years ago and since then, every full moon its working and in pray for what is in need, connecting us with the unity, compassion and love (If you don’t smoke, its ok, you can participate also in the ceremony).

Retreat for Women
Summer Solstice Ceremony
Ibiza Ceremony Dakini Temple


The price is depending of the event.

For women’s circles, sweatlodge, sauna, pow wow drum, cacao ceremonies and sacred pipe its normally 50€

The price for the retreats will depend of the duration and places.

To check the future events, please check in the Instagram and Facebook events.



How she Works

*”About a year ago I awakened to the calling of my womb, of the Divine Woman within, and found my way into one of Brenda’s women’s circles. I had worked with women’s circles before, but I was intrigued by Brenda’s invitation since it promised to combine spiritual understanding, emotional support, as well as biological and scientific information.
I am pleased to say that I learned so much important information (about the feminine cycles and how to connect with them) in just once circle – this is stuff that they really should teach in schools, at home, to every growing girl and every woman. I am grateful that there are medicine women like her, who are still connected with the ancient ways and able to share such vital information with all of us. Brenda is a woman who is carrying the medicine of her Mexican ancestors, and it is such a blessing to have her in Finland sharing her wisdom and experience

Anonymous woman


How she Works

*”About a year ago I awakened to the calling of my womb, of the Divine Woman within, and found my way into one of Brenda’s women’s circles. I had worked with women’s circles before, but I was intrigued by Brenda’s invitation since it promised to combine spiritual understanding, emotional support, as well as biological and scientific information.
I am pleased to say that I learned so much important information (about the feminine cycles and how to connect with them) in just once circle – this is stuff that they really should teach in schools, at home, to every growing girl and every woman. I am grateful that there are medicine women like her, who are still connected with the ancient ways and able to share such vital information with all of us. Brenda is a woman who is carrying the medicine of her Mexican ancestors, and it is such a blessing to have her in Finland sharing her wisdom and experience

Anonymous woman