
Sweat Lodge-Temazcalli for Women

Welcome sisters to this Sacred Ceremony called “Temazcalli” (Sweat Lodge).
An Ancestral and Native Healing Ceremony that will Connect us with the Spirits of the Elements, the Guardians of this Sacred Medicine, our Ancestors and our Guides into the Sacred Womb of the Mother Earth “Temazcalli” (Sweat lodge) in conjunction with the Spirit of Our Sacred Fire.

This temazcalli is going to be a healing trip to the sacred darkness, warm and wet womb of our Mother Earth, to purify our body, our spirit, our mind and our energy.

Also this is a beautiful opportunity to make honor to life, give thanks for everything that you have and had, to let go of the things that doesn’t serve anymore to your path and to prepare yourself to the new journey that is coming now during this winter time.

In the temazcalli We reborn with more clarity, with a new energy and we detox our being from many different energies. With the time we learn more about ourselves and our connections get stronger with the powers of life and the inner Wisdom within.

During this ceremony, everybody is going to be part of it, everybody will help with the preparation of the space, the preparation of the sacred fire, the altar, the food, singing, drumming and creating the Ceremony together in a circle and unity with all the sacred elements that are need it.

Preparation: please keep very well hydrated (more than usual), recommended 3lts of water a day, starting four days before the ceremony, avoid consuming meats, processed foods, stimulants (coffee, sugar, etc.), alcohol, tobacco and any type of narcotic drugs.
Avoid the use of sacred plants on the day of temazcal.

 And is important to let me know if you have some health issues.


“Opening Our Heart – Purifing Our Soul”



Sweat Lodge-Temazcalli for Women

Welcome sisters to this Sacred Ceremony called “Temazcalli” (Sweat Lodge).
An Ancestral and Native Healing Ceremony that will Connect us with the Spirits of the Elements, the Guardians of this Sacred Medicine, our Ancestors and our Guides into the Sacred Womb of the Mother Earth “Temazcalli” (Sweat lodge) in conjunction with the Spirit of Our Sacred Fire.

This temazcalli is going to be a healing trip to the sacred darkness, warm and wet womb of our Mother Earth, to purify our body, our spirit, our mind and our energy.

Also this is a beautiful opportunity to make honor to life, give thanks for everything that you have and had, to let go of the things that doesn’t serve anymore to your path and to prepare yourself to the new journey that is coming now during this winter time.


“Opening Our Heart – Purifing Our Soul”


In the temazcalli We reborn with more clarity, with a new energy and we detox our being from many different energies. With the time we learn more about ourselves and our connections get stronger with the powers of life and the inner Wisdom within💗

During this ceremony, everybody is going to be part of it, everybody will help with the preparation of the space, the preparation of the sacred fire, the altar, the food, singing, drumming and creating the Ceremony together in a circle and unity with all the sacred elements that are need it.

Preparation: please keep very well hydrated (more than usual), recommended 3lts of water a day, starting four days before the ceremony, avoid consuming meats, processed foods, stimulants (coffee, sugar, etc.), alcohol, tobacco and any type of narcotic drugs.
Avoid the use of sacred plants on the day of temazcal.

 And is important to let me know if you have some health issues.




How she Works

Sweatlodge Seremonia oli uudenlainen taiteellinen luova ainutlaatuinen kokemus. Se auttoi sydäntä puhdistautumaan ja kehoa eheytymään kokonaisvaltaisesti.

Sanna L (Finland)


Hikimajaseremonia (Sweatlodge), on kokonaisuuseddaan todella kaunis seremonia niin esteettisesti, henkisesti ja psyykkisesti. Seremoniaan valmistautuminen yhdessä luo yhteisöllisyyttä ja osallisuutta joka sitouttaa ja antaa vastuuta osallistujalle tapahtuman onnistumisesta. Hienona elementtinä mukana matkassa on toinentoisillemme jakaminen ja kuunteleminen.

Vilja Hanna (Finland)


“Brenda, it has been such a joy and honor to be part of your ceremonies and healing womens circle. Your way of being present with love, compassion and with such an integrity necessary to honor and carry the Medicines and traditions. I have seen the Ancestors walking strongly beside you and it is a gift to have you and your Medicine lineage working here in Finland”

Riikka Poulsen


Seremonia oli unohtamaton kokemus! Niin kaunista ja tunsin olevani niin juurrutettuna maahan. Se että saimme kokea sen yhdessä oli hienointa. Kiitos Brenda.

Katri K.


How she Works

“Brenda, it has been such a joy and honor to be part of your ceremonies and healing womens circle. Your way of being present with love, compassion and with such an integrity necessary to honor and carry the Medicines and traditions. I have seen the Ancestors walking strongly beside you and it is a gift to have you and your Medicine lineage working here in Finland”

Riikka Poulsen


Sweatlodge Seremonia oli uudenlainen taiteellinen luova ainutlaatuinen kokemus. Se auttoi sydäntä puhdistautumaan ja kehoa eheytymään kokonaisvaltaisesti.

Sanna L (Finland)


Hikimajaseremonia (Sweatlodge), on kokonaisuuseddaan todella kaunis seremonia niin esteettisesti, henkisesti ja psyykkisesti. Seremoniaan valmistautuminen yhdessä luo yhteisöllisyyttä ja osallisuutta joka sitouttaa ja antaa vastuuta osallistujalle tapahtuman onnistumisesta. Hienona elementtinä mukana matkassa on toinentoisillemme jakaminen ja kuunteleminen.

Vilja Hanna (Finland)


Seremonia oli unohtamaton kokemus! Niin kaunista ja tunsin olevani niin juurrutettuna maahan. Se että saimme kokea sen yhdessä oli hienointa. Kiitos Brenda.

Katri K.


How she Works

Thank You for your wisdom and your wise words and endless love and acceptance. I am So grateful that you provide for sisters a space and medicine where we can learn to give up our masks, a space where to speak our fears out loud, a space where we are accepted and loved just the way each one is, our own natural being and nature, a space where to explore ourselves and just be our true without the fear of being judged and shamed. You are such a wise and loving and accepting soul Brenda. You teach me so much! Kiitos. 

Noora (Finland)


Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·   info@brendamiquiztli.com