Birthkeeper and Ceremonies


Welcome to this Space, where you can find all the servicies and the accompaniment that I´m providing from my heart to you.

My main focus is the Empowerment of Women in them different Processes of Life with Love and Respect.

I offer all my Services in English, Spanish and Finnish, in México, Finland and Online.

In Finland I provide my servicies in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkkonummi and Nurmijärvi.


Birthkeeper and Ceremonies


Welcome to this Space, where you can find all the servicies and the accompaniment that I´m providing from my heart to you.

My main focus is the Empowerment of Women in them different Processes of Life with Love and Respect.

I offer all my Services in English, Spanish and Finnish, in México, Finland and Online.

In Finland I provide my servicies in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kirkkonummi and Nurmijärvi.

Awakening our inner wisdom with Love”


Holistic Doula

Empowering Mothers and families with Knowledge, Wisdom and Love in Body, Mind and Spirit during Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum.

You find the services from the menu!

Cources and Workshops

Presences and Online

Spirituality, Herbs, Crystals, Energy, Science, Womb, Love. Rediscovering Deeper your Inner Wise Guide.

You find all the services from the menu!

Circles and Ceremonies

Gatherings to Embrace the Powers of the Life with Love, Gratitude and Humility. Dancing together in spiral to the heart and back in expansion.

Look the circles and ceremonies from the menu!

Awakening our inner wisdom to open our hearts in love to connect deep with the sacred Powers of life.”

Holistic Doula

Empowering Mothers and families with Knowledge, Wisdom and Love in Body, Mind and Spirit during Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum.

You find the services from the menu!

Cources and Workshops

Presences and Online

Spirituality, Herbs, Crystals, Energy, Science, Womb, Love.  Rediscovering Deeper your Inner Wise Guide.

You find all the services from the menu!

Circles and Ceremonies

Gatherings to Embrace the Powers of the Life with Love, Gratitude and Humility. Dancing together in spiral to the heart and back in expansion.

Look the circles and ceremonies from the menu!

Heart medicine

Placental medicine is a way to reconnect with the ancestral wisdom behind this Sacred Organ and make use of all the amazing properties that this organ can provide us, after birth. Honoring the Placenta is a way to Honor all the process of Life.
Placental medicines

Heart medicine

Placental medicine is a way to reconnect with the ancestral wisdom behind this Sacred Organ and make use of all the amazing properties that this organ can provide us, after birth. Honoring the Placenta is a way to Honor all the process of Life.
Contact Brenda


Welcome to the upcoming meetings where spirituality, wisdom, science and practices are part of it, in gatherings, workshops, retreats or small circles.



Welcome to the upcoming meetings where spirituality, wisdom, science and practices are part of it, in gatherings, workshops, retreats or small circles.


How she Works

Brenda tekee työtään todella sydämestään ja hänellä on doulana todella erityislaatuista annettavaa, ammattitaitoa ja osaamista erilaista
hoidoista käytännön asioihin ja raskauden sekä postpartum ajan tueksi. 

Synnytyksen lisäksi: Lisäksi hän piti upean istukkaseremonian kanssani ja hoiti lootussynnytykseen tarvittavat upeat yrtit ja hauteen ja tällä tavalla mahdollisesti että erityistoiveistani huolehdittiin.
Meksikolainen Sulkuseremonia oli myös erittäin tarpeellinen henkisesti synnytyksestä palautumiseen. 🙂

Silja Kulo (Finland)


“Brenda is the kind of woman who has done so much deep womb & femininity work of her own, that she is also able to guide others on the journey to their own sacredness. She has a gentle, loving approach and also a playful, grounded positivity about her. She is enthusiastic and inclusive. She knows how to create a safe space for every woman to feel heard and accepted and beautiful. Thank you Brenda for all the joy you bring to this world and the valuable work you do!”


I did the sacred obsidian yoni egg healing course with Brenda´s support and it was such a big shift for me emotionally and physically.I have lot of to heal for in my womb memories and I had a beautiful chance to dive deep with this strong stone.
In the beginning it was very hard physically, lot of physical pain appeared but when I continued it all started to release things I was holding and I started to feel lighter. I felt my sexuality lighted to a new fire, and my sensuality was deeper.
I had an amazing possibility to face my demons and it was worth it! Thank you Brenda You are such amazing wise woman!!

Eeva Maria Leino


Brenda did such an amazing work with my postpartum healing. With deep ancient wisdom combined nurturing and very heart-centered approach, I felt that she transformed my long, hard and traumatizing birth experience. She has a beautiful gift to serve women and sisterhood in so many levels. Thank you!

Saara Maria (Finland)


How she Works

Brenda did such an amazing work with my postpartum healing. With deep ancient wisdom combined nurturing and very heart-centered approach, I felt that she transformed my long, hard and traumatizing birth experience. She has a beautiful gift to serve women and sisterhood in so many levels. Thank you!

Saara Maria (Finland)


“Brenda is the kind of woman who has done so much deep womb & femininity work of her own, that she is also able to guide others on the journey to their own sacredness. She has a gentle, loving approach and also a playful, grounded positivity about her. She is enthusiastic and inclusive. She knows how to create a safe space for every woman to feel heard and accepted and beautiful. Thank you Brenda for all the joy you bring to this world and the valuable work you do!”

Marianne M,


Brenda tekee työtään todella sydämestään ja hänellä on doulana todella erityislaatuista annettavaa, ammattitaitoa ja osaamista erilaista
hoidoista käytännön asioihin ja raskauden sekä postpartum ajan tueksi. 

Synnytyksen lisäksi: Lisäksi hän piti upean istukkaseremonian kanssani ja hoiti lootussynnytykseen tarvittavat upeat yrtit ja hauteen ja tällä tavalla mahdollisesti että erityistoiveistani huolehdittiin.
Meksikolainen Sulkuseremonia oli myös erittäin tarpeellinen henkisesti synnytyksestä palautumiseen. 🙂

Silja Kulo (Finland)


I did the sacred obsidian yoni egg healing course with Brenda´s support and it was such a big shift for me emotionally and physically.I have lot of to heal for in my womb memories and I had a beautiful chance to dive deep with this strong stone.
In the beginning it was very hard physically, lot of physical pain appeared but when I continued it all started to release things I was holding and I started to feel lighter. I felt my sexuality lighted to a new fire, and my sensuality was deeper.
I had an amazing possibility to face my demons and it was worth it! Thank you Brenda You are such amazing wise woman!!

Eeva Maria Leino


Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·