Placental Medicines

Placental Medicines


Preparation of Placental Medicines:



For me the Placental Medicine, rather than being a way to create natural medicines with the Placenta, is to enter in a sacred space of life to be honored, recognizing all the energy and the properties that its providing after birth. 

The placenta had been honored throughout history in many different ancestral cultures around the earth, and now days there are few studies, that proves the benefits of consuming the placenta, in addition to being more socially accepted.

The beneffits of the placenta after birth are from the simplest to the most mystical during all the process of life.

You can just take your placenta from the hospital with you or saved at home in the freezer, and I will come to pick it up soon.

My work with the Placenta is professional, mystical and scientifically and I´m offering the next items to you:

* Placental Patches to heal wounds in the skin.
* Placental oils to heal any problem on the skin, either for mom or baby, also improves the production of milk with massages.
* Placental Capsules
* Placental Chocolates
* Placental tree of life in paint with color or just natural.
* Placental Small Drum 

* Amulets for Baby (pendants and dreamcatcher).
* Prepared smoothie with placenta and energy drinks to recover.
* Placental medicines as Tincture,  homeopathic drops and globules.

* Placental Salts for your food or bath.
* Placental facial cream.
* Placental Soap and Shampoo for Bath for the family.
* Ritual-Ceremony: Burying the sacred placenta, meditation and small supply.


Preparation of Placental Medicines:

For me the Placental Medicine, rather than being a way to create natural medicines with the Placenta, is to enter in a sacred space of life to be honored, recognizing all the energy and the properties that its providing after birth. 

The placenta had been honored throughout history in many different ancestral cultures around the earth, and now days there are few studies, that proves the benefits of consuming the placenta, in addition to being more socially accepted.

The beneffits of the placenta after birth are from the simplest to the most mystical during all the process of life.

You can just take your placenta from the hospital with you or saved at home in the freezer, and I will come to pick it up soon.

My work with the Placenta is professional, mystical and scientifically and I´m offering the next items to you:

* Placental Patches to heal wounds in the skin.
* Placental oils to heal any problem on the skin, either for mom or baby, also improves the production of milk with massages.
* Placental Capsules
* Placental Chocolates
* Placental tree of life in paint with color or just natural.
* Placental Small Drum Amulets for Baby (pendants and dreamcatcher).
* Prepared smoothie with placenta and energy drinks to recover.
* Placental Tincture,  homeopathic drops and globules.

*Placental Salts for your food or bath.
* Placental facial cream.
* Placental Soap and Shampoo for Bath for the family.
* Ritual-Ceremony: Burying the sacred placenta, meditation and small supply.


Magic Packet: 250€
includes 5 items 

(Print, Caps, Oil, Patches, Tincture)

Separate Items:
If you want to have just some of them then the price starts in 80€ and more.

Placental Ceremony: 200€


Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·