
Menstrual Wisdom


A weekend course designed to learn how to heal ourselves​ through the knowledge of our feminine energy and the reconnection with the power of this beautiful energy.

This workshop is divided in two parts during one weekend: One day to work with the Waning Moon and New Moon’s energies, and other day to work with the Crescent Moon and Full Moon’s energies.

During this women’s circles, you’ll learn how-to live-in harmony with these energies, you will recognize the ways as this is working and affecting your life and how to dance​ with it. You will get the tools to do your inner journey trough the feminine spiritual path, an ancestral path that will reconnect you back to the center of your heart, a life work that is in your hands💗

We’ll talk about the flow of our energy, our body and hormones, we will dive deep in our physiology (hormones and neurotransmisors), our emotions, the moon’s phases and the movement of it’s energy, seasons and sun’s energies, rituals and the power of them and on Sunday we will have the ritual “The Rite of the Womb”.

During this work, we will do some meditation, drumming, Rituals, healings, medicines, singing, drinking cacao, tea and more, in a loving light.


Menstrual Wisdom


A weekend course designed to learn how to heal ourselves​ through the knowledge of our feminine energy and the reconnection with the power of this beautiful energy.

This workshop is divided in two parts during one weekend: One day to work with the Waning Moon and New Moon’s energies, and other day to work with the Crescent Moon and Full Moon’s energies.

During this women’s circles, you’ll learn how-to live-in harmony with these energies, you will recognize the ways as this is working and affecting your life and how to dance​ with it. You will get the tools to do your inner journey trough the feminine spiritual path, an ancestral path that will reconnect you back to the center of your heart, a life work that is in your hands💗

We’ll talk about the flow of our energy, our body and hormones, we will dive deep in our physiology (hormones and neurotransmisors), our emotions, the moon’s phases and the movement of it’s energy, seasons and sun’s energies, rituals and the power of them and on Sunday we will have the ritual “The Rite of the Womb”.

During this work, we will do some meditation, drumming, Rituals, healings, medicines, singing, drinking cacao, tea and more, in a loving light.


* Feminine Archetypes *
* Anatomy and Physiology of Women *
* Moon phases and feminine energy *
* Seasonal energies and Sun’s energy *
* Womb Wisdom-Chakras *
* Feminine Healings *
* Meditations for reconnection *
* Menstrual​ Blood *
* The power of Ritual “The Rite of the Womb” *



120 early bird-150€ normal price
Two Days Workshop


Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·