
to our inner wisdom “

“Awakening to our
inner wisdom “


Brenda Miquiztli

Hi, my name is Brenda, I´m a 38-year-old woman from México, and since 2011 I have resided in Finland. I´m a mother, wife, Doula, entrepreneur, and many more beautiful things.

Since 2014 I have been working in Finland, Sweden, México and Online, with the awakening of the Feminine Wisdom, guiding womens circles, Empowering Women to rediscover their own authentic individual femininity and spirituality, giving special attention to the rituals of passage such as Menarche, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Motherhood, Menopause and Death, making use of all the tools that life has provided me (Professional and also Ancestral Traditions).

I have worked with traditional natural medicines and energy since 2002. (Most of the skills in traditional medicine I have inherited from my family.) I have worked with the awakening of female wisdom since 2014, as a professional postpartum doula since 2015 (Most of the skills in traditional postpartum I have inherited from my family), and as a professional Doula of Pregnancy and Birth since 2016, and now days  I’ve been an apprentice of Traditional Midwifery since 2019.

I´m also a veterinarian with an amazing career. I used to work in hospitals mainly in the reproduction wing and in the labs, however, I changed my orientation after discovering that my passion was in the physiology of reproduction and in the Awakening of Women. I started to understand the wisdom behind the different stages of pregnancy, birth and postpartum, discovering that I could combine all my traditional knowledge with my professional career and with all the wisdom from my own experience of life with with love, passion and compassion, and thus my career as a Medicine Woman, Doula and traditional midwifery started.

As Doula, my main goal is to raise and direct awareness of the Mother to her own power, either during pregnancy, birth or during postpartum, guiding her and her family with knowledge, Love, Care, and Respect.

And as a Workshop organiser my main goal is to raise the awareness of women about the sacredness behind the female physiology and spirituality as well as our capacity to Love, so that we can take care of our Earth, our body, our mind, and spirit, spreading and expanding the wisdom we have acquired to all aspects of life.

Part of my spiritual path:

Traditional Prehispanic Dancer (since 2007), Fire keeper in the Mexican Ancient Tradition (since 2008), Keeper of the sacred Pipe (since 2017), Guardian of Sweatlodge-Temazcalli (Since 2017), Traditional Moon Dancer (Since 2017) and oon the Path of Traditional Midwifery (Since 2019).

Facilitator of cuourses like crystal healing, guardians of womens circles, natural giniecology, energy healing, rituals and trestments for portpartum, etc.

You can check part of my professional path in my Curriculum.

Her Work and Vision Is fully to inspire others to reconnect with the sacred powers of life, and take our responsibility to take care of the cycle of ”life-death-life” and honor it, with respect, love and humility.

Read her story

I’m 36 years old Mexican Woman, living in Finland. The medicine path its being for me, my whole life path, I grow up in a naturopathic family and I learned all my life from my father the ways to heal the body through the contact with the elements in the earth (water, fire, earth, wind, diet and herbs) and from my mother the healing through energy and the connection with the sun and the moon.


Since I was a very small child, I remember to have a very strong and deep connection with the spiritual world from low to high vibrations. Also I had the facility to connect with deep meditation with other spaces since I was 4-5 (I just knew how to do it), it was a challenge for my family to understand it then, but they just use to look at me as normal as I was, but in my ways.

As a child I grew up with a lot of wounds to be heal, to be understood and to be embraced with love and consciousness and that´s my healing story of self-love and deep connection.


When I was 13, I discovered the movement of the energy in my hands to restore the energy in plants and latter in animals and people, my mother helped me to work with it and truest in what I saw and what I felt and my work with the energy started here (I had like my own life lab at my room, where I used to collect flowers just to see the magic of the energy healing and every small animal dying was part of it). Around same age I started my first dream walks, and as I was growing my interested in the energy was growing. Then when I was around 15, I started to meet the medicine of the stones and crystals and most of the things that I know about them is because the intuition of letting the energy just flow and trust in what I was feeling and doing (the stones are there to guide to whoever wants to learn from heart). Later when I was in my 20s, I took many courses to work more professional with them.


So from childhood to a young lady (19) my story was continuing with the spiritual realms connection, that got stronger as I was growing and I felt very scare, so my mother was also pushing herself to learn more about the spiritual world to help me, and she did it, but with the time I felt like I need it more support to hold myself when living between worlds was heavy, and that´s how my journey looking for medicine people started, looking for them to help me and learning as much as possible to help myself.


During my path 15 years ago, I started to learn from medicine women and men, about the ancient traditional Mexican ceremonies (red path), and also from amazing elders from diverse parts of America and different traditions about herbalism, ceremonies, rituals, energy and healings and I honor with all my love all of them, starting from my lovely parents and ancestors, to the medicine people that had being guiding me and teaching something that is so sacred, I honor my path and all those sacred spirits that had being giving me so much to remember the sacredness of Life and the power of vibrate high, of being humble, of look at ourselves with compassion and real eagle eyes, recognizing our own shadows to see with clarity and protect what is really important to protect, starting from our own heart, walking with coherence our path to carry and hold the prayers with Love and Respect.



Brenda Miquiztli


Hi, my name is Brenda, I´m a 38-year-old woman from México, and since 2011 I have resided in Finland. I´m a mother, wife, Doula, entrepreneur, and many more beautiful things.

Since 2014 I have been working in Finland, Sweden, México and Online, with the awakening of the Feminine Wisdom, guiding womens circles, Empowering Women to rediscover their own authentic individual femininity and spirituality, giving special attention to the rituals of passage such as Menarche, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Motherhood, Menopause and Death, making use of all the tools that life has provided me (Professional and also Ancestral Traditions).

I have worked with traditional natural medicines and energy since 2002. (Most of the skills in traditional medicine I have inherited from my family.) I have worked with the awakening of female wisdom since 2014, as a professional postpartum doula since 2015 (Most of the skills in traditional postpartum I have inherited from my family), and as a professional Doula of Pregnancy and Birth since 2016, and now days  I’ve been an apprentice of Traditional Midwifery since 2019.

I´m also a veterinarian with an amazing career. I used to work in hospitals mainly in the reproduction wing and in the labs, however, I changed my orientation after discovering that my passion was in the physiology of reproduction and in the Awakening of Women. I started to understand the wisdom behind the different stages of pregnancy, birth and postpartum, discovering that I could combine all my traditional knowledge with my professional career and with all the wisdom from my own experience of life with with love, passion and compassion, and thus my career as a Medicine Woman, Doula and traditional midwifery started.

As Doula, my main goal is to raise and direct awareness of the Mother to her own power, either during pregnancy, birth or during postpartum, guiding her and her family with knowledge, Love, Care, and Respect.

And as a Workshop organiser my main goal is to raise the awareness of women about the sacredness behind the female physiology and spirituality as well as our capacity to Love, so that we can take care of our Earth, our body, our mind, and spirit, spreading and expanding the wisdom we have acquired to all aspects of life.

Part of my spiritual path:

Traditional Prehispanic Dancer (since 2007), Fire keeper in the Mexican Ancient Tradition (since 2008), Keeper of the sacred Pipe (since 2017), Guardian of Sweatlodge-Temazcalli (Since 2017), Traditional Moon Dancer (Since 2017) and oon the Path of Traditional Midwifery (Since 2019).

Facilitator of course as Crystal healing, Guardians  of Womens Circle, Natural Ginecology, Postpartum Rituals and Ceremonies, and others.


You can check part of my professional path in my Curriculum.

Her Work and Vision Is fully to inspire others to reconnect with the sacred powers of life, and take our responsibility to take care of the cycle of ”life-death-life” and honor it, with respect, love and humility.

Read her story

I’m 36 years old Mexican Woman, living in Finland. The medicine path its being for me, my whole life path, I grow up in a naturopathic family and I learned all my life from my father the ways to heal the body through the contact with the elements in the earth (water, fire, earth, wind, diet and herbs) and from my mother the healing through energy and the connection with the sun and the moon.


Since I was a very small child, I remember to have a very strong and deep connection with the spiritual world from low to high vibrations. Also I had the facility to connect with deep meditation with other spaces since I was 4-5 (I just knew how to do it), it was a challenge for my family to understand it then, but they just use to look at me as normal as I was, but in my ways.

As a child I grew up with a lot of wounds to be heal, to be understood and to be embraced with love and consciousness and that´s my healing story of self-love and deep connection.


When I was 13, I discovered the movement of the energy in my hands to restore the energy in plants and latter in animals and people, my mother helped me to work with it and truest in what I saw and what I felt and my work with the energy started here (I had like my own life lab at my room, where I used to collect flowers just to see the magic of the energy healing and every small animal dying was part of it). Around same age I started my first dream walks, and as I was growing my interested in the energy was growing. Then when I was around 15, I started to meet the medicine of the stones and crystals and most of the things that I know about them is because the intuition of letting the energy just flow and trust in what I was feeling and doing (the stones are there to guide to whoever wants to learn from heart). Later when I was in my 20s, I took many courses to work more professional with them.


So from childhood to a young lady (19) my story was continuing with the spiritual realms connection, that got stronger as I was growing and I felt very scare, so my mother was also pushing herself to learn more about the spiritual world to help me, and she did it, but with the time I felt like I need it more support to hold myself when living between worlds was heavy, and that´s how my journey looking for medicine people started, looking for them to help me and learning as much as possible to help myself.


During my path 15 years ago, I started to learn from medicine women and men, about the ancient traditional Mexican ceremonies (red path), and also from amazing elders from diverse parts of America and different traditions about herbalism, ceremonies, rituals, energy and healings and I honor with all my love all of them, starting from my lovely parents and ancestors, to the medicine people that had being guiding me and teaching something that is so sacred, I honor my path and all those sacred spirits that had being giving me so much to remember the sacredness of Life and the power of vibrate high, of being humble, of look at ourselves with compassion and real eagle eyes, recognizing our own shadows to see with clarity and protect what is really important to protect, starting from our own heart, walking with coherence our path to carry and hold the prayers with Love and Respect.



  • Degree in Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics (Metropolitan Autonomous University-UAM-México)
  • Certified Birth Doula (250 hrs-Doulakka- Finland)
  • Diplome in Somatic Wisdom for Doulas (7 months, 110hrs, Adriana Ordoñez, Vivencia Ecosomatica)
  • Breastfeeding Counselor (WHO Metropolian University – Finland)
  • Spinning babies training (Spinning babies R-Finland)
  • Womens Circle Facilitator (8 Months, 206hrs – Medicine Grandmother Samai Ximena Torrico)
  • Placental Medicine Diplome (6months formation)
  • Divine Postpartum Doula Diplome (Lalita Madhava, Spain)
  • Diplomes in Crystal Healing (level 1, 2, 3),  Reiki 1 and 2, Akashic Reccords Reader (level 1, 2, 3), Vibrational Medicines, and Moon Mother.

How she Works

My heart feels so blessed by your wonderfulness for a truly real and deeper understanding of our loving gift of nurturing and create a new better world for the future of humanity. I´m humble and grateful for your way of walking in feminine and beauty.

Erena Rangnimarie a Maori Princess (Part of the International Council of 13 indigenous Grandmothers)


Brenda Miquiztli is a beautiful soul with a heart of gold! Her wisdom, intuition and kindness is radiating her love into everything she does, with care and awareness! She is a blessing to have here in Finland, guiding woman to re-connect & remembering the path of the feminine to heal our World.

Ariela Atias (Finland)


Thank You for your wisdom and your wise words and endless love and acceptance. I am So grateful that you provide for sisters a space and medicine where we can learn to give up our masks, a space where to speak our fears out loud, a space where we are accepted and loved just the way each one is, our own natural being and nature, a space where to explore ourselves and just be our true without the fear of being judged and shamed. You are such a wise and loving and accepting soul Brenda. You teach me so much! Kiitos.

Noora (Finland)


How she Works

My heart feels so blessed by your wonderfulness for a truly real and deeper understanding of our loving gift of nurturing and create a new better world for the future of humanity. I´m humble and grateful for your way of walking in feminine and beauty.

Erena Rangnimarie a Maori Princess (Part of the International Council of 13 indigenous Grandmothers)


Brenda Miquiztli is a beautiful soul with a heart of gold! Her wisdom, intuition and kindness is radiating her love into everything she does, with care and awareness! She is a blessing to have here in Finland, guiding woman to re-connect & remembering the path of the feminine to heal our World.

Ariela Atias (Finland)


Thank You for your wisdom and your wise words and endless love and acceptance. I am So grateful that you provide for sisters a space and medicine where we can learn to give up our masks, a space where to speak our fears out loud, a space where we are accepted and loved just the way each one is, our own natural being and nature, a space where to explore ourselves and just be our true without the fear of being judged and shamed. You are such a wise and loving and accepting soul Brenda. You teach me so much! Kiitos. 

Noora (Finland)


Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·   info@brendamiquiztli.com