Accompaniment During Postpartum

During Postpartum


“Postpartum Accompaniment”

The postpartum accompaniment if for the mothers that feels the need of support, with her new aspect of life.

The postpartum period is a period of transition, a period of reborn to the new stage of our life and also a period of death to the oldest version of ourselves. In my family in México, we use to take care with all our heart the women, who gave birth and is part of our culture and tradition to take care all the aspects of the new mother and newborn babies, and those cares covers from the most physical needs, to the emotionals and the spirituals aspects of this transition. 

For me, this accompaniment is fundamental in all women´s lives, because this transition is really deep and if we know how to value the care of a new born baby, we have to learn how to value the care of a Mother in transition (either of her 1st child or more), this investment is a life investment that will affect all aspects of life of the mother, the familly and the society. 

During my acocompaniment, I will offer the preparation of some restorative foods as meals, smoothies, teas, etc. Also I will be there to help you in the basic cleaning of your house, supportting the needs of the mother with some massages, breastfeeding guide, talking and being present, taking care of baby when need it (So the mother can take a shower, go to bathroom, etc).


“Postpartum Accompaniment”

The postpartum accompaniment if for the mothers that feels the need of support, with her new aspect of life.

The postpartum period is a period of transition, a period of reborn to the new stage of our life and also a period of death to the oldest version of ourselves. In my family in México, we use to take care with all our heart the women, who gave birth and is part of our culture and tradition to take care all the aspects of the new mother and newborn babies, and those cares covers from the most physical needs, to the emotionals and the spirituals aspects of this transition. 

For me, this accompaniment is fundamental in all women´s lives, because this transition is really deep and if we know how to value the care of a new born baby, we have to learn how to value the care of a Mother in transition (either of her 1st child or more), this investment is a life investment that will affect all aspects of life of the mother, the familly and the society. 

During my acocompaniment, I will offer the preparation of some restorative foods as meals, smoothies, teas, etc. Also I will be there to help you in the basic cleaning of your house, supportting the needs of the mother with some massages, breastfeeding guide, talking and being present, taking care of baby when need it (So the mother can take a shower, go to bathroom, etc).


Postpartum Treatment

¨Traditional Mayan Sealing Ceremony¨

The Postpartum Treatment is a treatment that takes 2 to 4 sessions, starting from the most basic and soft way to the most deep and strong healing. This treatment is a compleate healing that covers the physical body, energetical body and emotional body.

This treatment has been inherited to me through my mother and to her through my grandmother and gradfather, who was a Mayan men, so this is an ancestral lineage healing that I provide with all my love and heart to you.

The first meeting usually take around 2hr and the 3rd and 4rd takes around 3 to 4hrs, as we advance deeper and deeper.

The treatment is unique for every woman, because it will depend of her own story and birth, so every herbal bath and treatment are designed to the specific mom. 

The Ancestral Mayan treatment for postpartum (Sealing Ceremony) is a Physical, emotional and energetical treatment that includes:

  • Massage
  • Vaginal Steams
  • Bath with herbal preparation in a tub bath
  • Restoration of the energy in different levels.
  • Use of Sauna or Sweat Lodge
  • Closing the body with rebozos
  • Energy balance with the use of quartz and Mayan-energy healing.
  • Sharing the Birth story, meditation and small supply.



Postpartum Treatment

¨Traditional Mayan Sealing Ceremony¨

The Postpartum Treatment is a treatment that takes 2 to 4 sessions, starting from the most basic and soft way to the most deep and strong healing. This treatment is a compleate healing that covers the physical body, energetical body and emotional body.

This treatment has been inherited to me through my mother and to her through my grandmother and gradfather, who was a Mayan men, so this is an ancestral lineage healing that I provide with all my love and heart to you.

The first meeting usually take around 2hr and the 3rd and 4rd takes around 3 to 4hrs, as we advance deeper and deeper.

The treatment is unique for every woman, because it will depend of her own story and birth, so every herbal bath and treatment are designed to the specific mom. 

The Ancestral Mayan treatment for postpartum (Sealing Ceremony) is a Physical, emotional and energetical treatment that includes:

  • Massage
  • Vaginal Steams
  • Bath with herbal preparation
  • Restoration of the energy in different levels.
  • Use of tub bath
  • Use of Sauna or Sweat Lodge
  • Closing the body with rebozos
  • Energy balance with the use of quartz and Mayan-energy healing.
  • Sharing the Birth story, meditation and small supply.


Mayan Sealing Treatment:

185€ (+VAT) just one time
350€ (+VAT) two times
150€ (+VAT)after two times

Postpartum Accompainment at home:

Packet 1 – Day:

120€ per day (3hrs) extra hr 50€ 

Packet 2 – 1 Week + Postpartum Treatment with rebozos:

900€  (15hrs in  4-5 days)

Packet 3 – 2 Weeks + Postpartum Ceremony:

1800€ 10days (30hrs) 

This prices includes VAT


How she Works

Brenda did such an amazing work with my postpartum traditional healing! With deep ancient wisdom, combining nurturing and very heart-centered approach, I felt that she transformed my long, hard and traumatizing birth experience. She has a beautiful gift to serve woman and sisterhood in so may levels. Big recommendation to all her work!

Saara Maria (Finland)


Brenda tekee työtään todella sydämestään ja hänellä on doulana todella erityislaatuista annettavaa, ammattitaitoa ja osaamista erilaista hoidosta käytännön asioihin.

Meksikolainen Sulkuseremonia oli erittäin tarpeellinen henkisesti synnytyksestä palautumiseen 🙂

Silja Kulo (Finland)


How she Works

Brenda did such an amazing work with my postpartum traditional healing! With deep ancient wisdom, combining nurturing and very heart-centered approach, I felt that she transformed my long, hard and traumatizing birth experience. She has a beautiful gift to serve woman and sisterhood in so may levels. Big recommendation to all her work!

Saara Maria (Finland)


Brenda tekee työtään todella sydämestään ja hänellä on doulana todella erityislaatuista annettavaa, ammattitaitoa ja osaamista erilaista hoidosta käytännön asioihin.

Meksikolainen Sulkuseremonia oli erittäin tarpeellinen henkisesti synnytyksestä palautumiseen 🙂

Silja Kulo (Finland)


Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·