Accompaniment During Pregnancy

As Doula, my main goal is to raise awareness of the Mother to her own power, guiding her and her familly with Love, Care and Respect.

During Pregnancy

As Doula, my main goal is to raise awareness of the Mother to her own power, guiding her and her familly with Love, Care and Respect.

Blessing way ceremony

The Blessing way Ceremony is a beautiful Navajo ceremony for the Mother, before give birth.


The Blessing way Ceremony is a beautiful Navajo ceremony for the Pregnant woman. 

During this ceremony We’ll make a beautiful circle to celebrate, bless, give love, strength and support to the beautiful pregnant mom.

This is also an important time for letting go the fears or worries that mom feels and feel the love and the blessings that are here for her, for the sacred soul comming and for the familly.

One important part of this ceremony is also to reawake the sacred path of taking care the life and open our hearts to give and receive with love and trust, making of this celebration an opportunity to grow supporting this transition of the woman to motherhood and the birth of new families. 


*During this ceremony, the mother will be massaged, we will create a wreath made with flowers, we will create a sacred space for her to open her heart and share her experience, we will eat healthy together, we will make a gift for her and we will have much magic and love, and yes! we will leave the place clean and in the best conditions for the mother.*

 *The ceremony has a duration of three to four hours and I recommend you at list tree weeks before the due time to do it, and also to contact me in advance (important to have the contacts of every participant with time to get the group in facebook, msn or whatsapp).*

*The ceremony Includes some of the Materials, the organization of the group (two weeks’ time before the ceremony) and all the preparatives.*

*The ceremony doesn’t includes food or the space (If you need a space, for 150e more, we can use my home for max 10 people and includes sauna and bath tub for the mom) at Vantaa.

If you feel like having a beautiful ceremony before birth for you and you need some support for that just send me a private message to organize for you this so sacred Ceremony that I love to do. This is Love, and every Mom deserve this beautiful Gift.


Blessing way ceremony

The Blessing way Ceremony is a beautiful Navajo ceremony for the Mother, before give birth.


The Blessing way Ceremony is a beautiful Navajo ceremony for the Pregnant woman. 

During this ceremony We’ll make a beautiful circle to celebrate, bless, give love, strength and support to the beautiful pregnant mom.

This is also an important time for letting go the fears or worries that mom feels and feel the love and the blessings that are here for her, for the sacred soul comming and for the familly.

One important part of this ceremony is also to reawake the sacred path of taking care the life and open our hearts to give and receive with love and trust, making of this celebration an opportunity to grow supporting this transition of the woman to motherhood and the birth of new families. 


*During this ceremony, the mother will be massaged, we will create a wreath made with flowers, we will create a sacred space for her to open her heart and share her experience, we will eat healthy together, we will make a gift together, and we will have much magic and love, and yes! we will leave the place clean and in the best conditions for the mother.

 *The ceremony has a duration of three to four hours and I recommend you at list tree weeks before the due time to do it, and also to contact me in advance (important to have the contacts of every participant with time to get the group in facebook, msn or whatsapp).

*The ceremony Includes some of the Materials, the organization of the group (two weeks’ time before the ceremony) and all the preparatives. 

*The ceremony doesn’t includes food or the space (If you need a space the price is 150e more (we can use my home for max 10 Women and includes sauna and a bath tub for the mother) at Vantaa.

If you feel like having a beautiful ceremony before birth, send me a private message to organize for you this sacred Ceremony that I love to do. This is Love, and every Mom deserve this beautiful Gift.


Prenatal Preparation

“Preparing my body and my soul with Love for Birth and postpartum”


Preparing my Soul and my Body with Love.


Private prenatal preparation (3 or 4 online or in person meetings):

Recognizing the impact of the mind and spirit, as well as the physical body, on the experience of pregnancy and birth.

We will work with the physical health, beliefs, relationship, emotional wellbeing, and spirituality, understanding that all affects pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

The prenatal doula accompaniment includes the work with:

* Use of Rebozo and Water during Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum.
* Relaxing Technics (Meditation, Visualization, Singing, Breathing)
* Excerzices to release emotions (trauma if necesary).
* Basics of Prenatal Yoga (Just some examples to use at home).

* Basics of  nourishment.



Prenatal Preparation

“Preparing my body and my soul with Love for Birth and postpartum”

Preparing my Soul and my Body with Love.


Private prenatal preparation (3 or 4 online or in person meetings):

Recognizing the impact of the mind and spirit, as well as the physical body, on the experience of pregnancy and birth.

We will work with the physical health, beliefs, relationship, emotional wellbeing, and spirituality, understanding that all affects pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

The prenatal doula accompaniment includes the work with:

* Use of Rebozo and Water during Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum.
* Relaxing Technics (Meditation, Visualization, Singing, Breathing)
* Excerzices to release emotions (trauma if necesary).
* Basics of Prenatal Yoga (Just some examples to use at home).

* Basics of  nourishment.


Blessingway Ceremony: 310+ALV
(You can gather this money with all your sisters as a special Present for your family!)

Private Prenatal Preparation: 400e
3 to 4 prenatal meetings (Those will depend of the time of pregnancy that you will have)




Brenda Miquiztli   ·   Holistic Doula, Medicine Woman   ·